
Things to note when opening a new restaurant

As we all know, as the competition in the restaurant industry is becoming more and more fierce today, if open new restaurant, we are facing many opportunities and challenges. As a newbie, how to gain a place in the restaurant army, we need to pay attention to many things. Next, we look at What should be noticed by novices.

1. Pay attention to catering franchise fees

We need to consider our own economic capacity. If it is relatively conservative, we must consider opening a store within our economic affordability. If the economy allows, we can find a better project; if the economy does not allow it, we want to have A larger facade can raise funds through loans or joint ventures to achieve its own goals.

2. Dining Choice

A good location is very important for the catering industry. We must consider both customer traffic and rent, water, and electricity. We want to be near a train station with a lot of people or a university town. As a gathering place for office workers, we all need to take into account all aspects. Considering all aspects, choose an address with relatively large customer traffic and relatively cheap rent, so that the cost can be increased for the benefit.

3. Facade decoration and hygiene

In the catering industry, we must be clean and tidy, and give our guests a good dining environment, so that the windows are clear and clear, and the ground does not leave garbage. The trash can is placed in a suitable position, and it is convenient for guests to throw garbage after finishing the meal. The facade decoration should create a proper atmosphere. Use the light or wallpaper color to create an atmosphere for the guests. Add a little music to create an atmosphere of love.

4. Team service attitude

When doing catering, we must pay attention to the service attitude. A good service attitude leaves a good impression on customers. This is a plus point. It can attract a steady stream of customers. The employees wear uniform work clothes and give people a formal and grand. It feels that the guests must first say hello to the door, guide the guests, be patient and careful with the guests, and actively address any needs of the guests, so that the guests are God.

5. Quality and quantity of dishes

As a catering industry, we must ensure that our dishes are rich in variety, and at the same time, we must ensure that the dishes taste good, and have all the colors and fragrances. The characteristics can leave a deep impression on customers, making customers nostalgic.

6. Speed of serving customers

Customers do not want to wait too long after ordering food, especially in today’s fast-paced life, we must pay attention to the speed of serving customers, try not to drag, this will likely leave a drag impression to customers, causing customers I’m not dining next time. If there are special circumstances that lead to slow meals, explain to the guests.

7. Handling of emergencies

If there is a contradiction between the guests, what should we do as a service industry? First of all, to separate the guests, after perceiving the situation, persuade and explain the guests, lower our attitude, give the customers some discounts, or give some small gifts, the big things are small and the little things are small. We must protect our own interests as well as take care of our guests’ emotions.

There are many precautions for novices to open new restaurant. The above are part of the plan. Beginners must take overall consideration into account to achieve special analysis. The above precautions are a general summary. There are different precautions for different types of catering. Pay attention to some small details , Details can often determine success or failure, we must also consult some franchise companies to do a deeper understanding.




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