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What are the difficulties in designing a commercial kitchen?

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The kitchen design needs to carry out targeted design according to the operating characteristics of commercial kitchens. Therefore, when designing commercial rooms, there are always various problems and difficulties. The following are the difficulties that kitchen designers always face:

1.Commercial kitchens have unique operating patterns

Operators always want to provide more meals and services, and always want to keep the kitchen area smaller. The kitchen is generally in a poor position in the building and has a very limited area. A wide variety of kitchen equipment, machinery, and electrical appliances are required in commercial kitchens, and the equipment occupies more than 50% of the effective area of the kitchen. For kitchen designers, each design will face different challenges

2.Cross-design and construction of multiple systems is difficult

In the limited structural space of the kitchen, in addition to the kitchen equipment, there are also system facilities such as energy (gas, fuel oil, steam), power supply, water supply and drainage, smoke exhaust and ventilation, heating, air conditioning, fire protection, security, communication and so on. The space on the shed is full of pipes for smoke exhaust, fresh air, air conditioning, power supply, fire protection, lighting, heating, etc., which makes it even more crowded. Kitchen designers must comprehensively consider the direction and connection of multiple systems, and rationally arrange spatial relationships

3.The density of commercial kitchen equipment is very high

All workshops are full of equipment and the density is very high. Kitchen equipment, water supply, power supply and lighting, smoke exhaust ventilation, air conditioning, and fire protection all occupy a place in the small space of the kitchen, which is extremely crowded. A little carelessness will leave irreparable defects. In the design, the kitchen space utilization rate is extremely high. When dividing each workshop, it is sometimes accurate to within 10cm, and the thickness and slope of the equipment gap and the decoration layer must also be considered.

4.Commercial kitchen design coordination links are many

The process from design to equipment installation of a commercial kitchen is a process of repeated technical connection and coordination between kitchen designers and kitchen managers, various departments of architectural design, and multi-professional construction teams. There are many coordination links, long time, and great difficulty. It is also a process in which many problems occur during actual construction.

5.Kitchen designers need experience

Since commercial kitchen design technology involves a variety of professional technologies, various types of commercial kitchens, and a variety of complex equipment technologies, even a kitchen designer with a relatively complete technical reserve needs to continuously accumulate practical experience. Guaranteed work in all kinds of kitchens and various workshops


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